White Sage
The most commonly seen form of white sage is in small, dried bundles or (smudge sticks), which has a more traditional or spiritual application. These bundles are burned for their aroma and as a tool in ‘scrubbing’ a home or area of bad energy/spirits. White sage can have a number of benefits, depending on whether it is burned, topically applied or steeped in a tea, including helping to treat sinus infections and congestion, eliminating bacteria and fungus in the air, reducing inflammation, aiding digestion, and. I'm unsure how hardy white sage is planted outside. I grow my mother plant in a pot and store it in an unheated greenhouse during the winter months and seems to do just fine.
Most white sage sold in stores is harvested out west. Because the popularity of smudging has grown, white sage in the wild is becoming endangered plant.
Plants are grown in a 3 1/2" pot.
The most commonly seen form of white sage is in small, dried bundles or (smudge sticks), which has a more traditional or spiritual application. These bundles are burned for their aroma and as a tool in ‘scrubbing’ a home or area of bad energy/spirits. White sage can have a number of benefits, depending on whether it is burned, topically applied or steeped in a tea, including helping to treat sinus infections and congestion, eliminating bacteria and fungus in the air, reducing inflammation, aiding digestion, and. I'm unsure how hardy white sage is planted outside. I grow my mother plant in a pot and store it in an unheated greenhouse during the winter months and seems to do just fine.
Most white sage sold in stores is harvested out west. Because the popularity of smudging has grown, white sage in the wild is becoming endangered plant.
Plants are grown in a 3 1/2" pot.
The most commonly seen form of white sage is in small, dried bundles or (smudge sticks), which has a more traditional or spiritual application. These bundles are burned for their aroma and as a tool in ‘scrubbing’ a home or area of bad energy/spirits. White sage can have a number of benefits, depending on whether it is burned, topically applied or steeped in a tea, including helping to treat sinus infections and congestion, eliminating bacteria and fungus in the air, reducing inflammation, aiding digestion, and. I'm unsure how hardy white sage is planted outside. I grow my mother plant in a pot and store it in an unheated greenhouse during the winter months and seems to do just fine.
Most white sage sold in stores is harvested out west. Because the popularity of smudging has grown, white sage in the wild is becoming endangered plant.
Plants are grown in a 3 1/2" pot.