Dill- Giant Bouquet


Bouquet Dill height ranges from 26-36 inches when fully mature. Bouquet Dill uses include adding green or dried seed clusters to make dill pickles or picking young leaves to flavor dishes. This herb is highly aromatic and bears large, yellow flower heads. Use fresh for a full dill taste. Dill plants can reseed themselves.

Dill is also a host plant for Swallowtail caterpillars. So plant extra in your butterfly garden!

Grown in 4" pot,multiple plants per pot.

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Bouquet Dill height ranges from 26-36 inches when fully mature. Bouquet Dill uses include adding green or dried seed clusters to make dill pickles or picking young leaves to flavor dishes. This herb is highly aromatic and bears large, yellow flower heads. Use fresh for a full dill taste. Dill plants can reseed themselves.

Dill is also a host plant for Swallowtail caterpillars. So plant extra in your butterfly garden!

Grown in 4" pot,multiple plants per pot.

Bouquet Dill height ranges from 26-36 inches when fully mature. Bouquet Dill uses include adding green or dried seed clusters to make dill pickles or picking young leaves to flavor dishes. This herb is highly aromatic and bears large, yellow flower heads. Use fresh for a full dill taste. Dill plants can reseed themselves.

Dill is also a host plant for Swallowtail caterpillars. So plant extra in your butterfly garden!

Grown in 4" pot,multiple plants per pot.